How can I upgrade my subscription to Mantra Premium?
  1. Open the Mantra app
  2. Go to your Profile
  3. Click on “Get Premium”
  4. Choose your yearly or monthly plan
How can I change the password on my account?
  1. Open the Mantra app
  2. Go to your Profile
  3. Select Change Password
  4. Follow the instructions
How can I save my favorite meditations and visions?

To favorite and save a meditation or vision, simply click on the plus sign that’s on the right corner of the content

How do I cancel my subscription on Apple Store?
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Click on your name
  3. Click on “Subscriptions”
  4. Select the Mantra subscription
  5. Tap “Cancel Subscription”

How can I turn off the auto-renew feature for my subscription on Apple Store?
  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Click on your name
  3. Click on “Subscriptions”
  4. Select the Mantra subscription
  5. Tap “Cancel Subscription”

How do I delete my account?

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